Chord Frida KDI ft. HK Musik - Kutho Solo Ninggal Kenangan Kunci Gitar

Capo : Fret 2

Intro G D Em Bm
        C Bm Am D

G                   C
kutho solo ngancani perjalananku
    D            C     D         G
ono seneng.. ono susah.. ning atiku..

ning kutho iki crito tresno
terukir karo kowe
ning kutho iki akeh banget
    G             -D/F#
kenangan karo kowe
ku berharap tresno iki
wujud kanggo awake dewe
      D                   G
susah seneng ora karo liyane..

 C          G
  yo mung kowe..
 C     D          G
  sing tak nanti-nanti..
 Em                   Bm
  kependem ning njero relung iki..
 C        D
  yo mung kowe..

 C          G
  yo mung kowe..
 C     D          G
  sing tak puja puji..
 Em              Bm
  berawal seko kutho solo iki..
     C                  G
 tak ukir tresno lan janji..
 Em              Bm
  berawal seko kutho solo iki..
   C                  D
 pengenku ro kowe..

Int. G  C  Em  D..
       Am  Bm  C  D..

ku berharap tresno iki
wujud kanggo awake dewe
      D                   G
susah seneng ora karo liyane..

 C   D      G
  yo mung kowe..
 C     D          G
  sing tak nanti-nanti..
 Em                   Bm
  kependem ning njero relung iki..
 C        D  G
  yo mung kowe..

 C          G
  yo mung kowe..
 C     D        G
  sing tak puja puji..
 Em              Bm
  berawal seko kutho solo iki..
     C                  G
 tak ukir tresno lan janji..
 Em              Bm
  berawal seko kutho solo iki..
   C                  D
 pengenku ro kowe..

Outro C -D G
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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