Chord Ilux - Sampe Tuwek Bareng (Hingga Tua Bersama) Kunci Gitar

Intro Am G F..
        Am G F..

 Am       G
opo iki kisah tresno 
F            C
sing tak getuni..
  Am       G         F
saiki kowe lungo ninggal aku..

 Am         G        
aku ngerti iki kabeh 
F           C
pancen salahku..
Am             G    F
sing mesti nggawe kowe tatu..

sepurane sayangku
rungokno janjiku..

       C        G           Am  G
 yen detak.. jantungku iseh ono..
       F           Em
 tak jogo kowe sak teruse
     Dm       G
 nganti salawase..

       C       G        Am  Gm
 yen napas..ku iki isih ono..
-C    F          Em
 ra kiro ono tresno liyo
 Dm      G      (Am)
 sampe tuwek.. bareng..

Int. Am G F..

   Am           G
njaluk tulung.. baliko 
F             C
ning rangkulanku..
Am        G        F
sawangen awakku tanpo kowe..

sepurane sayangku
rungokno janjiku..

       C        G           Am  G
 yen detak.. jantungku iseh ono..
       F           Em
 tak jogo kowe sak teruse
     Dm       G
 nganti salawase..

       C       G        Am  Gm
 yen napas..ku iki isih ono..
-C    F          Em
 ra kiro ono tresno liyo
 Dm      G      (Am)
 sampe tuwek.. bareng..

Am    G           F       G     C
 ati iki.. ra mungkin tanpo tresnomu
        F                     G
sing mesti tulus.. sayang awakku..

Int. D# A# Cm A#
       G# Fm G A

Chorus Modulasi
       D        A           Bm A
 yen detak.. jantungku iseh ono..
       G           F#m
 tak jogo kowe sak teruse
     Em       A
 nganti salawase..

       D       A        Bm Am
 yen napas..ku iki isih ono..
-D    G          F#m
 ra kiro ono tresno liyo
 Em      A      (D)
 sampe tuwek.. bareng..

Int. D A Bm A

       G           F#m
 tak jogo kowe sak teruse
     Em       A
 nganti salawase..

       D       A        Bm Am
 yen napas..ku iki isih ono..
-D    G          F#m
 ra kiro ono tresno liyo
 Em    A
 u.. uuhu..
      G          F#m
 ra kiro ono tresno liyo
 Em      A      (Bm)
 sampe tuwek.. bareng..

Outro Bm A G..
        Bm A G..
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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