Chord Donne Maula - Daur Hidup Kunci Gitar

Capo : Fret 4

Intro G Em C..
        G Em C..

G           Em      C
hai perkenalkan aku jiwa yang bertahan
  G           Em         C
sudah ditempa keras oleh banyak cerita
  G          Em        C
mati berkali-kali tapi bisa hidup lagi
  G          Em        C
konon jika selamat aku semakin hebat

 G Em      C                    G  Em
    daur hidup akan selalu berputar
 tugasku hanya bertahan..
   G             Em          C
 terus jalan dan mengalirlah seperti air..
   Bm          Em          Cm        G
 dari lahir sampai ku jadi debu di akhir..

G Em        C                      G Em
   bohong jika aku bilang selalu kuat
lemah datang di saat-saat tak tepat
G Em        C                G  Em
   beruntungku dijaga kawan erat
ayat buat ku dan dia semakin dekat

 G Em      C                    G  Em
    daur hidup akan selalu berputar
 tugasku hanya bertahan..
   G             Em          C
 terus jalan dan mengalirlah seperti air..
   Bm          Em          Cm        G
 dari lahir sampai ku jadi debu di akhir..

Int. Em Bm C..
       Em Bm Am..
       Em Bm C Bm
       Am  C..

 G Em      C                    G  Em
    daur hidup akan selalu berputar
 tugasku hanya bertahan..
   G             Em          C
 terus jalan dan mengalirlah seperti air..
   Bm          Em          Cm        G
 dari lahir sampai ku jadi debu di akhir..

G           Em         C
hai semua tangis dan tawa di depan mata
 G            Em           Cm        G
aku tak pilih kasih kan ku peluk semua
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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