Chord Ady Pay ft. Achmad Twentynine - Genah Po Ora Kunci Gitar

Intro Em D C G Am  D..

   G                        C -Bm
ngalor ngidul uwes tak goleki..
   Am                      D
ngetan ngulon yowes tak ubengi..
 Bm                  E
opo wes lilo opo wes ono sing liyo..
Am                    D
nganti kowe lungo ninggal tresno..

  G               D/F#       Em
paribasan nguyahi banyu segoro..
  C          D         G
seprene suwe aku ngenteni..
Am            D
ning kutho jombang iki
Bm             Em
ning ringin contong iki
 Am          D        G
aku mumet ra biso nemoni..

  C         D
genah.. po ora..
aku sing ngancani
nanging mbok tinggalke..
        Am                  D
ngopo kowe iso tego nglimpe asmoro
suwe wes tak jogo..

       C               D
 ra kroso netese banyu moto..
    -C  Bm              Em
 ora ngiro kowe ninggal lungo..
                Am              D
 sing tak arep-arep nyanding sliramu..
            G   Dm G
 malah dadi tatu..

            C                D
 wes tak tompo sing dadi pilihanmu..
         -C  Bm                Em
 uwes tak trimo kabeh keputusanmu..
                Am           D
 dungoku nggo kowe mugo urip mulyo..
 yowes ben aku sing cidro..

Int. C  D  G D/F# Em..
       Am  D  G..

  Bm            Em
bingung.. aku bingung..
    Bm             Em
nganti tansah koyo wong linglung..
     C              D
lilo aku wes kudu lilo..
                      G  D
perihe mbok tinggal lungo..

  G               D         Em D
paribasan nguyahi banyu segoro..
  C          D       G
seprene suwe aku ngenteni..
Am            D
ning kutho jombang iki
Bm             E
ning ringin contong iki
 C           D        G
aku mumet ra biso nemoni..

       C               D
 ra kroso netese banyu moto..
        Bm              Em
 ora ngiro kowe ninggal lungo..
      E         Am              D
 sing tak arep-arep nyanding sliramu..
 malah dadi tatu.. hoo..

            C                D
 wes tak tompo sing dadi pilihanmu..
             Bm                Em
 uwes tak trimo kabeh keputusanmu..
                Am             D
 dungoku nggo kowe.. mugo urip mulyo..
                      C     D            G
 yowes ben aku sing cidro.. wooo.. uwo hohoo..
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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