Chord Tertanam - Tony Q Rastafara Kunci Gitar

Intro Em Bm Am Em

Em             Bm
Sisa lamunanku diguyur hujan
Am          Em
Menghantar Merangkai kata
Em             Bm
Malam telah menghanyutkan jiwa
Am              Em
Menjenguk rindu yang menggebu
Em                 Bm
Kenyattan lahirkan keesadaran
Am             Em
Menghalu keraguan
Em               Bm
Saat ini kita menuai cinta

Am              Em          Bm
Maka bairkanlah waktu berjalan apa adanya

D           Am
Dua puluh empat jam terlewati
C                        G
untuk tidak berjumpa dengan mu
D                 Am
Rintik air hujan masih setia
C                G
Membasahi bayang Wajahmu

 Em          Bm
 Ada yang tertanam
 Em            Bm
 tinggal dihalaman hati

Int. Em Bm Am Em

D           Am
Dua puluh empat jam terlewati
C                        G
untuk tidak berjumpa dengan mu
D                 Am
Rintik air hujan masih setia
C                G
Membasahi bayang Wajahmu

 Em          Bm
 Ada yang tertanam
 Em            Bm
 tinggal dihalaman hati
 Em          Bm
 Ada yang tertanam
 Em            Bm
 tinggal dihalaman hati

 Em          Bm
 Ada yang tertanam
 Em          Bm
 Ada yang tertanam
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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