Chord Dadi Siji - Miqbal GA feat. Siska Amanda Kunci Gitar

Intro G  C  Am C D

wes tak pasrahke kabeh..
karo Gusti..
   C       D            G
udane sore sing dadi saksi..
    C         D
naliko labeh iki
        Bm         Em
tak lakoni ikhlas ati..
mugo Gusti maringi dalan..
     C        D
sing tak pingini..

        C          D        Bm  Em
 dadi siji tekan tuo sesandingan..
          Am        B         Em  E
 ojo mung iso.. ninggalke kenangan..
       C            D
 arepo mengko nyowo iki..
       Bm           Em
 uwes ilang salah siji..
          Am       D        G
 ra bakal ono sing iso ngganteni..

Int. Em  D  Em D A  
       C  D  G  

          C          D
 (pandongaku tekan tuo nganti..)
       Bm         Em
 (sing misahke nyowo..)
 (kang mas aku percoyo..)
  B          Em          E
 (kowe ra gampang keno godho..)

         C        D
 (bebarengan jogo ati..)
         Bm        Em
 (ojo ngasi ngelarani..)
 (yo mung siji..)
            D        G
 (yo mung kowe tekan mati..)

        C          D        Bm  Em
 dadi siji tekan tuo sesandingan..
          Am        B         Em  E
 ojo mung iso.. ninggalke kenangan..
       C            D
 arepo mengko nyowo iki..
       Bm           Em
 uwes ilang salah siji..
          Am       D        G
 ra bakal ono sing iso ngganteni..

       C         D
 seko aku karo kowe..
       Bm        Em
 iso dadi awak dewe..
        Am               B       Em  E
 matursuwun wes ngancani selama iki..

          C          D
 tak temokke kabeh bahagiaku..
 Bm            Em
 sing tak karepke..
      Am             D       G
 karo kowe kabeh wes dadi takdire..
      Am             D      G  
 karo kowe kabeh wes dadi dalane..
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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