Chord Vicky Salamor - Tipu Rembulan Kunci Gitar

Intro C C7-Em-F Em D Fm

C                      G
 semakin lemah semakin gelap..
F                C
 matahari sudahi terang..
C                      Bb
 rembulan pun seng mau kalah..
F                    C
 mulai tunjukkan cahaya..

C                    G
 bukannya beta takut malam..
F                   C
 tapi pertanda se harus pulang..
C                  Bb
 andai saja alam mengerti..
beta belum mau untuk berpisah..
beta harus bagaimana..

       C                   F
 kalau beta bisa tipu rembulan..
       Am                    G
 belum waktunya tiba malam hari..
       C                   F
 kalau beta bisa tipu mentari..
       Am         G        F   G
 belum waktunya sudahi terangi..
        C  F
 cinta ini..

Int. C Bm Am E
       F C G
       C Bm Am Gm -C
       D-F-Em-Am-Dm G C Csus4 C

C                    G
 bukannya beta takut malam..
F                   C
 tapi pertanda se harus pulang..
C                  Bb
 andai saja alam mengerti..
beta belum mau untuk berpisah..
beta harus bagaimana..

       C                   F
 kalau beta bisa tipu rembulan..
       Am                    G
 belum waktunya tiba malam hari..
       C                   F
 kalau beta bisa tipu mentari..
       Am         G        F   G
 belum waktunya sudahi terangi..
        Am G F..
 cinta ini.. wo oho ooo o..

Int. Am G D G-A

Chorus Overtune
       D                   G
 kalau beta bisa tipu rembulan..
       Bm                      A
 belum waktunya datang malam hari..
       D      C  D    G
 kalau beta bisa tipu mentari..
       Bm         A        G   A
 belum waktunya sudahi terangi..
        Bm A G F#m  Em-F#m-G-G#m-A
 cinta ini..      oooo.. oo..   oo..
        D Dsus4 D Dsus4   D
 cinta ini..       cinta ini..
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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