Chord Sleman Receh - Esem Mu Kunci Gitar

Intro F  G  Em E Am
        Dm  D  G
 C                              F
urip..ku.. sewates ruang lan wektu..
  Dm                       G
tekamu.. gawe ayem neng atiku..
 C                           F
ucapmu.. isoh nentrem ke batiku..
  Dm                          G
rosoku.. wes kepatri ning awakmu..

     F         G
gawe se..neng..ku.. 
      C -G  Am
               Dm G
senajan awak dewe.. 
lagi ketemu..

   F       G 
 Kabeh.. mau.. 
     Em           Am
 wes kersane.. Gusti..
         F -Em Dm
 tresno iki..    
 yo mung kowe sing nduweni..
   Em               Am           F
 donga..ku neng.. wengi.. dikabulake..
        G                       C
 ora ngiro.. ketemu kowe neng kene..
Int. F  G  Em  Am
        F  -Em Dm  G
     F         G
gawe se..neng..ku.. 
      C       Am
               Dm G
senajan awak dewe.. 
lagi ketemu..

   F       G
 Kabeh.. mau.. 
     Em          Am
 wes kersane..Gusti..
         F  Dm 
 tresno iki..
 yo mung kowe sing nduweni..
   Em               Am           F
 donga..ku neng.. wengi.. dikabulake..
        G                       C
 ora ngiro.. ketemu kowe neng kene..

 F              G
 mas mugo iki dadi pilihanku
     Em              Am
 nresnani awakmu nglalekke loroku
 Dm      G                C
 saiki harapan ku isoh bersamamu..
   F            G
 selawase awakdewe bersatu
      Em            Am
 ning kene aku ro kowe ketemu
   Dm         G         C
 mugo tresno iki direstui Gusti..
        F               G
 ning kene awakdewe.. bakal berjuang
          Em                   Am
 melaku bebarengan noto masa depan..
           Dm  G               C
 aku lan kowe.. mugo isoh bebrayan..
DISCLAIMER Indonesiachord is focused on providing song’s lyrics and chords as an appreciation to the authors and composers who have dedicated their life in music industry, especially in Indonesia. All lyrics and their chords are originally derived from trusted sources and also from our contributors. The copyright of all songs and lyrics are owned by their respective authors, artists, and music labels.

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